The main objective of the training program is to provide the practical knowledge to highlight the C&F Agent and Indenting Business of Bangladesh. The main growing sectors of Bangladesh are Garments, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Leather, Ceramics, and Plastics, Steel, Shipbuilding and many other industries.
Benefit of the Training:
1) Training changes the core skills and competencies of a person. So, it makes a trainee to be equipped with some more efficient and effective to do his job perfectly.
2) Training has benefited us to give more knowledge for our regular works to do in an effective way.
3) To improve skills of trainees on C&F Agent, Indenting Agent Business, Export- Import- Business related jobs effectively and independently.
4) Trainees will learn about International Business followed by the related documents of Banking, Commercial, Shipping, insurance and Customs.
5) This is a professional course and it will help the trainees to get the respective jobs in Export- Import Organization, C&F Agent, Freight Forwarding Business and many other sectors in Bangladesh and Abroad.
Former Course Teacher, EMBA & MITB, Department of International Business, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka